Thierry Mugler Alien Refillable Stones Eau De Parfum Spray Women 2 Ounce Review
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Thierry Mugler Alien Refillable Stones Eau De Parfum Spray Women 2 Ounce Description
Thierry Mugler tells the tale of a sun goddess, alien, eternal, adorned in gold and light, spreading peace and magic with her lucky perfume. Alien radiates light from her golden temple, a place of happiness, inundated with a beneficial aura a palace decorated with precious stones of various powers, irradiating fullness and positive energy. The bottle holding this elixir is reminiscent of a sacred stone. Jewel-like, its facets express the radiance of the mysterious fragrance.Thierry Mugler Alien Refillable Stones Eau De Parfum Spray Women 2 Ounce Feature